Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Random Updates

~ Well, I've decided that it's over with me and McRockstar. Actually not really because he's so dam appealing that I can never say no to him. But the goal here is that I'm giving him until the end of this week to do something about us and if there is nothing by then, I'm over it. Not at all really but I'll pretend to be over it and then of course he'll want my attention and then I'm going to see how this hard-to-get thing works. I'll ignore him and if what people tell me is true, he'll be falling all over me, and then I'll build self-confidence by not letting him have me!

~ McDirty still isn't really speaking to me. I'm also gonna let him go too. We've had our fun and I think it's run its course. Plus this whole being a responsible adult thing means that I need to move on with everything that is not helping me get to where I want to be. Even though I have no idea where I want to be.

~ I started reading The Secret a couple days ago (after I finally found the bookstore that was supposed to be cheaper but I still ended up paying the same price as Walmart, so I should have just gone there). I haven't really gotten too far into it but the basic idea that I've gotten from the book so far is that it's about the Law of Attraction and how if you think positive thoughts and thoughts of what you want out of life, those things will be attracted to you. I haven't learned yet how to think those thoughts instead of the thoughts about why the hell are things out to get me.

~ Also, Meredith and I have had a plan for the last couple years that we will write a book about how we got through our break ups that will help other girls go through it since we've already been there. That, and I've decided that I keep saying how my life would make such a good reality show but instead I'm gonna do it the old fashioned way and write about my life and all the ridiculous things that have happened but make it even more crazy by having my character say and do all the things that I really dream about doing but haven't had the guts to do. Since I've been bailed on once again, my plan is to get it started now and then I'll have a whole week to work on it while I lay on the beach trying desperately to tan my horribly white skin.

~ After spending a good bit of time last night budgeting my next three paychecks I think I will barely be able to scrape by and pay all of my bills that are coming and still have a few bucks to spend on vacation. God knows I do not want to end up back in the mess that I got in after my disastrous trip to the beach with JerkFace. It took months to get caught up on everything and I ended up with more overdraft charges than I can ever deal with again!

Fate Strikes Again!.....Not in a good way

Once again I did not get a job that was perfect for me. This time I can't blame it on the monster that is my current employer. Even though I am convinced that they are the reason I have not been offered any of the jobs I have interviewed for recently.

This most recent one was taken when I applied for it. The person that got it better be freaking Mother Theresa not really. I'm not that mean and I'm sure the person is really good at their job but I'm just getting desperate here for a chance to show someone how hard I can work and how much I could accomplish if I was just given the chance.

So for now I sit here waiting and blogging, and looking up other jobs, and thinking about writing, and hoping that McRockstar would come visit us at work today................