Thursday, October 2, 2008


I noticed that I have not fully explained my love for McMedic.....Here goes!!

I can still remember the day I decided that I was going to marry McMedic. As strange as it sounds to people that are not in the medical field, it happened after he had brought an extremely critical patient into my ER via his ambulance. There is something very attractive about the sight of a man trying his hardest to save someone's life. I had talked to him before but I hadn't really had a long conversation with him before that day. After delivering that patient to us it took a while for him to decompress and get his things gathered and ready for him to go back on the road. So he talked to me and the woman I was working with and I definitely remember getting my first hug from him that day after he thought one of my male co-workers with really long hair was an attractive woman. That was when he decided that he needed a woman's hug and he hugged me. That day, I was in love.

Since then we have had a bunch of fun times together and I really do consider him a good friend. There were many nights where I went out drinking after work and then stopped by his work for some laughs which eventually ended up with the "No Visitors" policy being implemented for him. There was the night where he said he was not coming to the bar to meet me and Meredith so I wore sweats, glasses and didn't do my hair and then he showed up with his sidekick and completely embarrassed me. That was also the night that I'm pretty sure he knew I was extremely interested in him but he was clearly more interested in Meredith, or just trying to ignore me that night.

My fav night though would have to be the night of Meredith's 21st birthday when he and I were the oldest people at the party. It started when he told me he was running late and not sure if he would make it out and then I looked up at the door of the bar and saw him coming in and looking around for us. Of course I pretended not to see him until he called me and asked where we were sitting. After he had said hi to all of us he stood behind me and I tried desperately not to move because he had his hand resting on the back of my stool but his hand was also gently touching my back for quite a while during our conversation.

Later that night, when we had closed the bar, we decided to head to a friend of mine's house and that was when McMedic was ready to save the day for me. Admittedly I was intoxicated while I was leading the caravan to the party. Meredith and one of her friends was following another friend of ours and McMedic was following me. Not far from the bar we had left, I got pulled over for speeding and should have in all honesty gotten a DUI that night. Instead of McMedic speeding away, because he had been drinking too, he stayed close by and was ready to jump to my rescue if the police had decided to get me out of the car. Fortunately, the officer who pulled me over knew me and knew that although I had been drinking, speeding was the only problem in the car. Long story short we went to the party after the police left and continued to have fun at my friend's house and then at my house after we all got thrown out of the first house. I can still remember him stomping up and down my steps and carrying the beer out of the basement for us.

He really is such a fun guy. The only problem that we run in to is the fact that he doesn't want kids. Which I completely understand but kids are something that I really want to have and that is really important to me. So we'll see how things progress but I know right now I don't have the guts to bring it up to him!

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